

Mature Java package for training and using maximum entropy models.

OpenNLP CCG Library  

A collection of natural language processing components and tools which provide support for parsing and realization with Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG). This project is an off-shoot of Grok.

OpenNLP Tools  

A collection of natural language processing tools which use the Maxent package to resolve ambiguity. The package include a sentence detector, tokenizer, pos-tagger, shallow and full syntactic parser, and named-entity detector.


Java-based linguistic annotation tool.


A suite of software components for building tools for annotating linguistic signals, time-series data which documents any kind of linguistic behavior (e.g. audio, video). The internal data structures are based on annotation graphs.

Arithmetic Coding  

A java package Arithmetic Coding and PPM (adaptive variable-length > n-gram language models for compression)


A set of Perl tools for computational linguistics (esp. corpus handling and (permutation) statistics).

Attribute-Logic Engine (ALE)  

A freeware logic programming and grammar parsing and generation system


A Lisp system for developing and displaying HPSG


An LGPL component-based natural language engineering platform written in C, C++, Java, Tcl, Perl, and Python


A text database engine for analyzed or annotated text.


An open source suite of language analyzers.


A General Tool for Anaphora Resolution.

Heart of Gold  

Middleware for combining shallow and deep NLP components.


A project to provide an architecture for defining XML specifications of grammars for different natural language parsing systems and tools for converting grammars automatically between those systems


The LKB system is a grammar and lexicon development environment for use with constraint-based linguistic formalisms.


A Machine Learning for Language Toolkit written in Java


A collection of Java classes for storing text, annotating text, and learning to extract entities and categorize text.

Ngram Statistics Package  

Allows for the counting and measuring of Ngrams in text.


A Python package intended to simplify the task of programming natural language systems.


A collection of NLP libraries, tools and demo applications. Current focus is mainly on parsing and dialogue systems.


Implements a word sense disambiguation algorithm using WordNet::Similarity

Tiger API  

Library which allows java programmers to easily access the structure of any corpus given as a tiger-xml file.

Web as Corpus Toolkit  

A collection of programs that can be used to create a (large) text corpus from a list of URLs.


A collection of machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks.


The Waikato Environment for Text Analysis


Provides measures of semantic relatedness using WordNet.

If you are working on open source natural language software or wish to start a project and are interested in joining OpenNLP, read this page.

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September 23 2010